Profile and objectives
The Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp) is one of the five associations that make up the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC). It represents the sector’s most important providers of financing for residential and commercial property constructions, governments and public-sector institutions.
Product-oriented interest representation
Pfandbriefe are a classic funding instrument employed by Pfandbrief banks and constitute one of the largest segments of the European bond market. The main reasons for the Pfandbrief’s success are its high security and its standardisation, transparency, and liquidity. The Pfandbrief’s spotless credit history has permanently secured its reputation among investors and cemented its importance on Germany’s financial markets. Particularly during times of crisis, it has proved to be a reliable funding instrument, ensuring that its issuers can obtain stable funding at all times.
It is therefore incumbent on the entire industry, banking supervisory authorities, and legislators to work together to ensure that the Pfandbrief remains a success story.
Focused and “cross-pillar”
The vdp represents the Pfandbrief-specific interests of its member institutions in dealings with legislators, supervisory authorities, rating agencies, and other market participants. In carrying out this task, the vdp interfaces with entities on all levels of political and executive authority, both nationally and internationally. It provides its range of services to Pfandbrief issuers from all three pillars of the German banking industry (private, public sector, and cooperative banks), so ensuring that their interests are effectively represented on all matters relating to both the Pfandbrief itself and the underlying business sectors.
In addition, the vdp offers its members business solutions that help support the special lending and issue business that Pfandbrief banks conduct.
The range of services offered by the vdp and its service companies
Interest representation
- Nationally and internationally, in the event of changes to the statutory, regulatory, or political framework
Committee work, think tanks
- Development of solutions to problems
- Setting of standards
- Promotion of the cross-border exchange of academic information on relevant topics
Direct business support
- LGD-Grading
- Transaction database and market information systems
- Rating tools for evaluating credit quality
- Training and education
- Support in connection with funding questions by credit institutions
- Support in connection with the fulfilment of supervisory requirements
Public Relations, Investor Relations, Marketing
- Public relations
- Roadshows (national and international)
- Capital market & cultivation of contacts
- Marketing
Purpose and tasks of the Association
- To safeguard the rights and interests of the Pfandbrief banks including public relations work in the areas of capital market, public sector, real estate, ship and aircraft financing as well as to participate in shaping legislation
- To support and advise the legislative bodies and government agencies at the national, European and international level in all matters concerning the Pfandbrief banks
- To safeguard the interests of the Pfandbrief banks in dealings with other national, European and international professional associations
- To become a member of national, European or international professional associations or to participate in companies regardless of their legal status inasmuch as membership or participation serves the Association's purpose or the interests of the Association's members
- To support Pfandbrief issuers in structuring activities efficiently in the underlying business fields of real estate, public sector, ship and aircraft financing.